Friday, February 13, 2009

Audio over HDMI

Noted here mostly so I can find it later.

I have a Gigabyte motherboard, the GA-G33M-S2H, that I use for a HTPC (home theater pc). It lives under the couch, driving the LCD TV, diskless, quiet, and is generally pretty happy.

I bought it principally because it has on-board video that does HDMI with an intel chipset. The intel graphics chips are pretty well documented and Intel fund development of linux drivers so it was a fairly easy choice at the time.

When I first turned it on about a year ago, the video of HDMI turned up right away. Very easy. 1080P @ 50Hz is very nice.

Alas, the audio didn't work. At the time, there were bugs in the ALSA drivers that prevented the properly detecting the (seperate ATI) chip that handles audio encoding for the HDMI data stream. After mucking around with it for too long, I gave up and ran a DVI cable and an audio cable to the TV instead. Which had it's own mucking around to get 1080P working on a single DVI channel...

Coming back to the present, I had occasion to revisit my MythTV setup, due to the "urgent need" to repaint the wall. This mean the TV cable down briefly, and stirred me to investigate if the audio HDMI is fixed.

Yay! It is, as of ALSA 1.0.17. Which is in Fedora 9 which I upgraded to a while back, so the kernel already knew about the HDMI audio and was ready to use it. Sweeet.

But. There's always a but. Pulseaudio, the apparent audio hub of choice didn't know about it. After poking, peering and prying at the config, it was clear that HAL did know about it, but pulseaudio refused to use more than the first device on any given soundcard.

As the HDMI appears on this motherboard as hw:0,3 (3rd device on card 0), pulseaudio via HAL refused to have any truck with it. This turns out to be a known, very long standing bug in pulseaudio.

My hack solution: Boot the HAL module in pulseaudio out the door, and just hardcode the detection for the device. Which said that it worked, but didn't produce any sound. After even more trawling, it turns out that I needed to unmute the "IEC958" in the ALSA mixer.

And now it all works! HDMI, 1080P and audio over a single cable.

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